Mary’s Canine Therapist
While the global pandemic has contributed to widespread anxiety and stress, our partners in mission have rallied! Investment in the LSS Response Fund has been a circle of light, a blessing to those we serve. The Response Fund has helped ensure that our clients receive the counseling and resources to break through the dark, lonely days to find healing and hope.
For many, however, the struggles continue. Please join us now and be part of the solution. Let us end 2020 by continuing to draw that circle of light around all those who need protection, healing and strength. Make your gift today!
Lives are transformed when we join together. The LSS Response Fund allowed us to adapt to Telehealth services during the lockdown, which made all the difference for our client Mary. She was determined to make positive changes this spring. She recognized that her substance use was consuming her. Mary wanted to gain control over her drinking and explore ways to improve her relationship with her daughter. She took a voluntary leave of absence from her job in March and was referred to LSS. She actively participated in Intensive Outpatient Program groups as well as community support groups that were held via Telehealth.
Through the group process, Mary learned new ways of coping from her counselor and the feedback of her peers. Mary and her daughter have adopted a dog. Caring for the dog provides them the opportunity for a shared positive purpose. The dog’s love and loyalty gives Mary peace and meaning as she engages in mindfulness and reflection. Now clean and sober, Mary says she is living the life she feels she deserves.
You , too, can be a blessing of hope and healing in a year of hardship. Your gift today empowers individuals, strengthens families and heals communities. Please look into your heart and give generously. There is a still a great deal of work to do.
On behalf of all those who will be encircled in the light of your compassion, thank you.

Share Your Story
In 2022, LSS will celebrate 140 years of service to Wisconsin and Upper Michigan residents. If at any time LSS made an impact on your life or the life of someone you love, please share it here.