Refugee Resettlement
Refugee Resettlement
Listening to Learn. Responding with Love.
LSS accepts and recognizes all people and their special attributes. We embrace diversity as we help to holistically integrate individuals and families into their new homes, neighborhoods and communities.
People Need People. LSS Welcomes Refugees.
Help Them Resettle In Our Community
For those interested in refugee resettlement, please know that there are many changes occurring at the federal level and we are in the process of updating our FAQ and other public information. If you have any questions, please contact
For donations, click “Donate Now” below:
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Media: George Kmetty, Public Relations Specialist | 262.693.6825 |
Global Refuge – Core Services Timeline
Since 1974, LSS Refugee has been helping people lawfully and permanently admitted to the US after having fled unspeakable violence and war.
Some have fled to refugee camps and meager surroundings in Thailand and Kakuma Camp in Kenya; others fled to urban areas in Malaysia, Jordan, Rwanda and more.
All had no future or hope until the opportunity for resettlement was offered to a precious few.
LSS is committed to our core belief in the infinite worth of every person. We will continue to carry our mission of compassion, humble service, and courageous leadership to every individual and family serve.
Become a Volunteer
Volunteers provide that extra helping hand and support that really makes a difference in helping people learn needed skills and improve their English. They also help refugees step out in their communities and experience things like farmers markets, museums, zoos and parks, etc.
For in-kind and other donations, please email with your offering.
Please check back for updates on the situation and additional needs for support.