
You May Never Know the Impact You Make

LSS Continues to heal communities, strengthen families, and create avenues for belonging. 

Because of you, change happens here

While the global pandemic has contributed to widespread anxiety and depression, our partners in mission have rallied! Your investment in the LSS Response Fund has been a circle of light, a blessing to those we serve. With your support, our clients have received the counseling and resources to break through the dark, lonely days to find healing and hope.

For many, however, the struggles continue. Lives are transformed when we join together. The LSS Response Fund allowed us to adapt to Telehealth services during the lockdown, which made all the difference for our client Mary. She was determined to make positive changes this spring. She recognized that her substance use was consuming her. Mary took a voluntary leave of absence from her job in March and was referred to LSS. She actively participated in Intensive Outpatient Program groups as well as community support groups held via Telehealth.

Mary learned new ways of coping from her counselor and the feedback of her peers. She has adopted a dog. Caring for the dog and receiving its unconditional love and loyalty give her peace and meaning as she engages in mindfulness and reflection. Clean and sober since February 15, Mary says she is living the life she feels she deserves.

Let us continue to be a blessing of hope and healing in a year of hardship. Your gift today empowers individuals, strengthens families and heals communities. Already given this year? We are extremely grateful for your dedication to our mission. There is still a great deal of work to do. Please look into your heart and give generously.

Iris’ Story

I pray that you are healthy, safe and at peace as we continue to face unprecedented challenges. Through your 2020 partnership, thousands of people were supported during these turbulent pandemic times… Women and men found pathways to addic...
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Leaders Inspire Others to Become More

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." That would make Rev. Homme the ultimate Servant-Leader as his dream to serve others is now alive in every Wisconsin County and in Upper M...
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Emily's Telehealth Victory

Emily’s story demonstrates the powerful transformation that takes place when we join together.
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Kelsey Overcomes PTSD Triggers

23-year-old Kelsey was moving through her day-to-day, functioning just fine with an underlying mental health disorder…or so she thought.
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Mary's Canine Therapist

Lives are transformed when we join together. The LSS Response Fund allowed us to adapt to Telehealth services during the lockdown, which made all the difference for our client Mary
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Abigail's Progress

Abigail's mother was distraught when her daughter was diagnosed with severe vision impairment at the age of six months. Thankfully, she found LSS Birth to 3 and our therapist, Kim.
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Pandemic Brings Hope and Heroes

The Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted all of our lives in ways that are too many to count. Just as hospitals and medical personnel are delivering essential services to the many in need of physical healing, so too is LSS delivering essentia...
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Nicole's Story of Home

"If it weren’t for LSS, I’d be in jail, I wouldn’t have my kids and I’d be using again."
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Kendra's Independence

I am able to now live as a survivor instead of a victim.
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Burmese Chin Family’s Story

One of the blessings we frequently take for granted in this country is our freedom. We are free to choose where we live, where and how we worship, where we send our children to school and much more. That is not the case in many places aroun...
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Jason’s Story

Jason had nowhere to live … no family … no one to rely on. He had recently been diagnosed with cancer and was having difficulty managing his emotions. He was lonely and feeling desperate. Then he found LSS Gaining Ground. “I took a ch...
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